Sunday 19 July 2015

Absences and leavers

 Dear all, sorry for not posting the last three nights. We had social events which is a major novelty for me at least! Some of the year 6 leavers organised a meal for the girls and their mums on Thursday which was lovely. Seeing all the children dressed up and seated at their own table was beautiful except they don't look so young any more. Still the grown up veneer slipped when during courses they nipped outside into the gardens for an impromptu game of tag.

Friday I was invited to a grown up drinks party by a lady from school. The children had their own thing going on in the basement with PlayStation set ups and a games room with loads of snacks. The conversation was interesting, varied and I enjoyed myself although normally a room full of strangers making small talk is enough to have me running for the hills. I wish I was the gregarious type.

Do you like the home grown vegetables? Excuse the smudge of a fingerprint on the camera. They tasted delicious and I know people bang on about how there is nothing like fresh produce picked and on the plate within 20 minutes but it is really true. They taste so different.

Enjoy your Sunday whatever you have planned. X

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