Friday, 3 July 2015

Solar farm in my backyard?

My neighbour came over for a cup of tea tonight as he hadn't seen us all week and later I returned to his house with him for more chat with him and his wife. They are perturbed by a local plan for a solar farm in our village and are speculating that it is to be built in the field next to my home. This is our current view. They wanted to know my opinion which was difficult as I haven't seen the plans so don't know where it is proposed to build.

I respect and am fond of my neighbours but they do get excited by village gossip. Last time they were all speculating that there were 200 new houses going to be built on this field and the access lane was the one by me that leads to our house and one either side of us. Luckily I was able to point out that I actually own this small lane so that rumour was not true!

There is a new solar farm just outside Shrewsbury and it is invisible to the town and not close to any residential homes. I don't believe planners would site another one so close to homes especially as there are three other fields further away shielded by woodland and away from the few houses that make up this little village. Personally I'm in favour as solar has to be the way to go but hopefully it will be sited in the far away fields. We'll see...

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