Friday, 24 July 2015

Bumps in the night

I wish I had her energy! Today has been rainy and glum so a wall has been repainted white, an oak beam has been sealed and varnished and another beam is being stripped of old manky paint, years old with lots of bumpy dust bits stuck underneath the paint. I think preparation was not something this little old home ever saw much of. According to Jim. my neighbour, who popped over earlier with two gorgeous mini cupcakes for the girls. there has been a history of interesting tenants.

 The one before last used to display a 10 foot high inflatable Elvis in the garden frightening many an unsuspecting driver. This guy also was a bit of a rogue and fell out with many people including his landlord. His revenge as he was evicted was to leave a Shetland pony and a large dog in the house whilst he was away wheeling and dealing. There are still teeth marks in two of the doors today.

When this cottage first came on the market I missed it as I wasn't quite ready to purchase. My funds were limited and I was beginning to despair of finding anything I liked. Then this one came back on as the first buyer mysteriously disappeared. I went along and instantly fell in love. It was in dire need of modernisation but with every step I took I knew it was the home for us. Even the bedrooms were all an equal size not like the modern homes where bedroom 3 is the size of a coffin. It took 7 months because the Co-op were the sellers and they would not accept offers but made everyone put in a sealed bid and a written statement of personal circumstances. Each stage went through several board meetings and I knew when we were in the last three that our luck might finally be in. It was and I still love this place and most visitors comment on the feel of it. In spite of it's age I don't think it is haunted, certainly not by an unhappy spirit.

 One place I lived in had a very cross ghost. I saw him standing at the end of my bed glaring at me. He was so put out with me being there. He was short, brown eyed, dumpy and dressed in brown tweeds and wore a cap. I still remember it well although in sheer fright I pulled the duvet over my head and must have fallen asleep eventually, I moved my bed the next morning into another room and moved out shortly afterwards. The girl who moved in after me was a policewoman and she only managed a month. I wonder if he is still there! If you sat downstairs sometimes you would hear his footsteps in the room above you even during the daytime. That was a little cottage in Devon just down the hill from the Lympstone Royal Marine training camp,

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