Thursday, 4 June 2015

The life-changing magic of Tidying review

Anyone who knows me will fall about laughing at the idea of me being tidy. I'm beginning to think it's a genetic lottery and either you are disposed to be orderly or you prefer to thrive in an apparently chaotic mess where you insist you know where everything is yet can rarely find the one thing you need right now. I regularly read my Don Aslett collection but our home still seems to full of stuff. Ah minimalism...perhaps this is the way forward? I do enjoy reading Joshua and Ryan's blog, The Minimalists. They seem so sorted. They recently toured the UK and came to Manchester but I missed them as the 10 year old was poorly.

Somehow I heard about this little book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying and in the spirit of minimalism ordered it on kindle. It is delightful and Marie Kondo seems so sweet, so nice and so perfect. She is obsessed with tidying and letting go of anything that means nothing to the owner. I'm working my way through her suggestions although I find I need to repeat as I'm still holding onto too much. There is an exhilaration and feeling of freedom and space with every full bag left at the charity shop. I've found it so helpful I ordered a hard copy as I find it easier to flick through to the pages I want. There is something special about the feel and smell of a book or am I just strange?

PS I made these; recipe from my Deliciously Ella book and they were truly disgusting. Oh dear and I did follow the recipe this time. I think I'll stick to a more traditional method next time but the dog

snaffled one and seemed to enjoy it!

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